Modern caravans and motorhomes have developed to include various luxuries and technologies, to the extent that they more closely resemble a holiday in a cottage or apartment than the primitive outdoor holidays we used to enjoy. But they are still very much an ‘outdoors’ holiday and hence also tend to promote the idea of outdoor pursuits, and for most families this includes cycling.
Taking the bike on holiday is essential for most people using caravans and motorhomes. It gives the kids something to do and ensures the family can exploit the idea of ‘outdoor living’ and continue to enjoy hobbies and pursuits they indulge in at home. However, transporting your bicycles can be a challenge, and if you are travelling a long distance in your caravan or motorhome, then you need to suitably protect them.
Why protecting your bicycles is important
Just like your caravan or motorhome, a bicycle is an important investment and can become extremely sophisticated the more money you spend on it. This has always been the case, but modern bicycles use even more technology in the brakes, gears, chains, seat and handlebars, which mean you have to store and transport them correctly when travelling. Of course this has to include a consideration of making them safe and secure, but protection extends to the weather also.
The longer you travel on your caravan or motorhome holiday, the more you are likely to encounter wind and rain, particularly in the UK, and even in the summer. Excessive exposure to the rain can cause gearing systems to rust or seize and can also damage the material used for handlebars and seats. These are important features in terms of safety and comfort and if you use your bike a lot, are a major reason why you spend so much money on it.
Our range of quality bike covers at Bags & Covers Direct
At Bags & Covers Direct, we can supply a range of bike covers specifically designed for towing on the back of caravans and motorhomes, to ensure the family can fully enjoy their holiday. These covers use a heavy-duty waterproof nylon material, which will suitably protect the bikes while in transit.
We have various sizes of cover, which can suit many different styles of bike, such as racing bikes and mountain bikes, as well as kids or adult bikes. You can carefully measure the size of cover you need, bearing in mind that you want to avoid as much ‘wind drag’ as possible, so you should ensure you choose the correct size so that there is no excess material which can work loose while on the journey to your holiday destination, this could fail to protect the bikes until you stop and make the necessary adjustments. If you can’t find a size close enough for your requirements, our covers can be made-to-measure to ensure you have the exact cover that you need, we can also supply our covers with a hazard warning sign on the back with red stripes and reflector signs, to signify that cargo is being towed.
So check out our range of bike covers and order online today, to ensure you can enjoy your caravan and motorhome holiday as intended.